So much of our lives are determined by what goes on around us, especially in our early years. Media consumption is certainly influenced by how our parents raise. As I look back on my media habits, I realize that my parents and my household have had a great impact on my media habits now.
First, I have never been one to watch too much TV. I attribute this to my parents deciding when I was four years old to turn off our cable TV. We didn't turn it back on until I was seventeen in the spring of my senior year. I only watched TV when I was bored, and never planned out certain times to watch TV. Now, I still don't watch very much TV because as a child I had tried to find better things to do than watch TV.
Along those lines, my mom was vehemently against video games so they were never in my house. I was lucky to get a Game Boy when I was about 10. Now, I almost never play video games and I have no interest in ever purchasing a system.
On the contrary, one piece of media I use all the time is my computer. I've been using computers since I was three so I've been familiar with them for almost my entire life. I am on my computer for about three or four hours every day. I use it for communication, school, music, and gaming. The computer is so universal and can have so many purposes which is why I use mine so much.
I also always carry my cell phone with me. I didn't have one until I started driving, but I couldn't imagine not having one. I'm not the biggest fan of personal interaction, so my cell is a way to communicate without actually having to see the person face to face. Calling and texting are how I do most of my communication. For me, it's a method of being more social without actually being out all the time.
While I am happy that I don't play video games or watch very much TV, I know that I should rely less on my computer and my cell phone for communication. Being able to communicate well with people is a valuable skill that is being slowly lost in our culture. I need to work on using media less because I realize that I rely on it too much. This is a goal not easily accomplished because society has accepted replacing much of our lives with media to make them "easier," but I wonder if we are actually hurting ourselves with our ever-growing reliance on media.